Monday, January 20, 2020



What movie did you take me to see winnie?
On that date.

Do you remember?



The james bond movie.
Starring roger MOORE.
That came out at that time....


You didnt even remember a simple thing like that?
Yet you do remember that jeff and you kept dad alive, to suffer, in ultimate pain and agony,against all  the ADVICE OF ALL THE licenced PROFESSIONAL medical doctors AT UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, courtesy, no less, of the poisons you fed dad from approximately june 2018 to February 2019?

You do remember that clearly, right?


You and jeff cost the hospital a lot of money too.

In making dad suffer IN AN unneccacary fashion that way.

When their was really no good medical reason to keep dad alive suffering that way.
But, you did it, anyways..

So you and jeff could have luxurious leisure time to search through dads stuff.
and belongings.
And disrespectfully dishonorably destroy dads final will and testament.

Uncaring of dads physically horrific predicament...
which you put him in. by the way.

I know this because the doctors and nurses told me this.

the doctors and nurses and medical staff at university hospital said to me,m,, you and jeff told them I was of no concern in dads situation at the hospital.

you dared to say that?

to hospital staff!

while you were conversing with me on the matter at the same time in emails!

and you concealed that conversation you had with mediccal staff at university hospital from me!


When I asked you and jeff about it, you guys said to me you didnt care that the hospital was being charged huge amounts of money to uselessly keep dad suffering in ridiculous agony due to the illegal drugs you and jeff obviously gave dad... 

When they asked you if I existed....

And if they could talk to me.

You told them I was of no concern to dad.
You deliberately kept me out of the hospital staff meetings you had with them.

on such an important matter to me!!
.and you didnt tell me that!!!

They told me that winnie...!

Why did you do that winnie?


The answers obvious.

Just summarizing everything jeff maniacally screamed at me that day on that bicycle ride I took with him to thamesford.

In about june or August of 2018.

At the latest september.

But it was one of those three months that me and jeff did that bicycle ride.

When jeff screamed all those crazy things at me.

I didnt realize what jeff was talking about til it all started taking place.

As long as you had leisure time to search through all dads stuff to make sure their was no remnant of dads real testament, it didnt bother you or jeff in the least that dad suffered horrifically every day.. .

At that time.

and it most certainly didnt bother you that tax payers were spending money technically for no rational reason in such a matter.

because, winnie, dad was suffering.

and in such a situation whetre every professional medical doctor asserts that our father will do nothing but suffer in agony if you keep him alive, a rational child, who loves their father would have stopped dads suffering immediately. not keep him alive!

with drugs. when hes a vegetable almost!


When all the doctors told you it was best to allow dad to pass away.
and go where jesus was clearly calling him!
You didnt care that the hospital was being charged thousands of dollars to keep dad alive, suffering in agony.

You went against the rational advice of numerous medical doctors who all told you that dad was majorly suffering and terminal.

And the best thing to do was allow dad to pass away.
Out of such physical agony.
I saw dad every week he was in the hospital.

He was clearly terminal, winnie.

The doctors told me he had no hope of living a healthy life.

He was bed ridden.

You knew that.

They told me that every time I talked with them.

Which was at least once a week.

I saw dad at least once a week during his stay at the hospital...

Courtesy of the drugs you and jeff obviously fed him..

I figured it out too late to save dad.
From you and jeff.

You kept dad alive against the advice of numerous medical doctors,  to suffer in agony only so you could disrespectfully  ransack dads belongings at your own leisure.
thats what you did! clearly you did that!
In order to make sure no copy or remnant of dads real testament remained.

You had to make sure dads real testament was completely destroyed.
Talk about dishonoring your father in a way that is psychotic.

You two take the cake on that one.

You take first prize on dishonoring your father in the craziest way imaginable in this life, winnie.



And if the police just checked the cameras at 202 mcnay street they'd see that...

Obviously, they would.

You and jeff also went to great lengths to exclude me from honoring dad that way.

Any rational sibling would have called me, at least once during that time that dad was in the hospital.
Through an email.
Or by phone.

Or in person.

And said to me, """ kerry, our dad is dying in hospital. When is a good time for me, you and jeff to get together ?
To go through our memories together?"""

Any rational person would have done that.

You never did that.

Even once.

And every fact related to this, subject, clearly ascertains that, you did not do that, because you obviously were callously searching through all dads stuff and belongings , diligently,  to perfidiously destroy any memory of dads last real will and testament..

Just like jeff said to me.

Before he left me stranded in thamesford.
in summary jeff clearly screamed that at me. i heard him.

i saw him do it, winnie.

then, after screaming all that crazy violent jibberish at me, his brother, that day last year he then says this.

before leaving me stranded in thamesford. with a flat tire. he put a pion in my tire. then he rode home. but before doing that he calmly said one thing to me.

with a determined glare in his eyes
Jeff said this.

""I have to find a way to stop you from getting that money"""
I heard jeff say that to me, winnie.

i swear he said that. by way of what deuteronomy 10; 20, and matthew 5; 17-20 instructs me to do,,, so,--- i swear by the name of jesus christ, himself, jeff said those strange words to me. just before he left me stranded in thamesford ontario. with a flat tire.


Right after he flattened my tire.

With a pin.

Before he rode home.

From thamesford.
Last year.
In june or August, or september of 2018.

I cant remember which month.

But it definitely was one of those three months.
Maybe it was may.of 2018.
But I'm almost sure it was june or August or september.
It wasn't july.

Because I was riding MY bicycle from sudbury ontario junction to thunder bay ontario from july 3rd to july 19th.
And I was in thunder bay from the 20th of july til the 31st of july 2018.

Why would jeff say that to me winnie?

Andvthen go visit dad continually til dad ended up immobolized in the university hospital winnie?

Why would he say something so strange, winnie?


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